
“As a business owner, I would highly recommend working with Mike.

Not only did he help us accurately assess our current employees but he is helping us through hiring a new bookkeeper.

We feel much more confident putting our current employees in the right positions and are much more confident now hiring new people with Mike’s input.

He is readily available, helps us with employee ads, and helps us ask the right questions. Overall I’ve had a very positive experience with Mike.”

— Jay W | Co-founder - Real Estate Development Company

“Before working with Mike there was a lot of stress and wasted time trying to force people to do a job they could never do.

I was frustrated trying to get existing employees to do their jobs AND do them efficiently.

This service makes my life and job so much easier. What’s not to love about a service that helps you learn the people around you better? How to better communicate, how to motivate, and how to discipline. It’s a cheat sheet on people!

It’s helped our team communicate better with one another. It is our “go-to” tool during the hiring process. It’s helped us shape how we run things.”

— Rachel S | Head of Sales & Design - Residential Interior Design and Construction Company

“Before Mike, we struggled with effective communication with each other, as well as hiring people with the right abilities to do the job.

We experienced a lot of turnover recently, in part I believe due to a rushed and incomplete recruiting process. I personally had made what turned out to be an incorrect hire and I can tell you firsthand the management burden in trying to help and hold accountable someone ill-equipped to do a job is extremely taxing. Additionally, our leadership team was spinning our wheels.

It felt like we were always at odds, and we weren’t speaking the same language.

Utilizing the Human Analytics knowledge we have now has helped us better understand each other and how to approach each other in a more effective manner.”

— Leah W | Head of Sales - IT Services

“Prior to working with Mike, we had hired employees based on their past experience, not behavior traits. 

We did our best to match up the candidates with our needs but did not always get the performance we desired. 

After working with Mike to establish the appropriate traits our roles required, we saw much stronger candidates. 

Mike listened to our needs and used his experience and the survey data to narrow down what was really important.  I don’t think we could have figured this out on our own. 

Mike has a background in what our business does now.  We felt that was an immediate fit.  Additionally, we were impressed with Mike’s affinity for detail and knowledge of the data. 

Our hiring practice has exceeded our expectations and we are surprised with the results so far. 

You can read all the books out there and even use other behavior based tools but they are not going to deliver the same results.  The experience with Mike has been much easier to use than other behavior tools we have used in the past. 

And the results are much better.  Thank you Mike!”

— Troy H | Co-Owner - Real Estate Development Company